Friday, December 18, 2009

My 2009 Potpourri

The days i spent as a student in The Polytechnic Ibadan can best be described as an adventure. ostly i did not do those thigs i was proud of but i graduated with a distintion by my sweat - the only thing i am actally proud of! Then my friends and I had a slang for free lunches - we call it potpourri. Dictionary describes the word as a mixture of herbs used in perfumes/scent or generally a mixture of different things. For us then, it meant a filled belly - for free.

2009 was for me a year of several potpourri - I had the rudest shock of my life eary in the year when at almost 7 months gone i had a mcg that almost took my life, funny how the least expcted often happen. For months after that  iwas on auto-drive.

Career change brought some joys as stagnation gave way to new friends, new tasks and better activities. I guess ifound my head while others where losing theirs.

My marriage grew older and tastes better - One of the singular most effectie part of my existence.

Finances was not necessarily better managed.

Spiritually i learnt a lot from new mentors and old ones

So how do i feel as this year gives way to a new one? Initially i couldn't wait for the year to pack up but now i have embraced the challenges as the platform upon which i mut stand to get to the next height.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 8

Happy Anniversary to us. Had a reflective session with myself yesterday looking at the past 2 years and i asked myself one important question, Will i choose him again? The answer is a resounding YES! I will make this a yearly review but i know my answer will be the same. He has supported me in every way possible and allowed me to be me. Even though we have our differences he has not pushed himself on me but gradually teaching me ot see from his point of view. I could be caustic in my remarks sometimes but he never gets angry wit hme and whe nhe does, he forgives. My Mr. Right is really right for me. This is why my prayer for today is that God will bless him, expand his territory and make 2010 a year to remember for him. No more tears, sorrows, lack and despair. Open the flodgates of heaven for Taiwo, oh Lord.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 7

Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. it's been two years and our love and passion has not faded, infact it gets better and better. I thank God i married Taiwo for he is been a blessing to me. That is why my prayer today is that God will bring him into his own and never leave him stranded. He must go up, climb higher and attain his destiny this coming year. The blessings of God is due and he will receive it for himself.


Day 5 & 6

Saturday was slow cos of The experience 2009 last night.. I had a swell time praising God inspite of the noise around. I determined before going that irrespective of the environment, i was going to connect with heaven. There was drama as one guy, a nuisance actually was blowing a pathetic horn behind me at the most unreasonable times (showing that he wasn't listening to what was going on!) i shouted on him but my hubby prayed and voila, the boy slept throughout the most important ministrations - Prayers and Phil Driscoll.

So, sunday was blessed. Church was Psalm 44:4 - Command is necessary in a situation when all else has failed - prayer, praise, fast - then you require God to command the forces of heaven to work for you and with you.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 4

The full impact of yesterday's message hit me the most this morning. How God declares the unclean as clean... and sets out his salvation to all who calls on him!

I had a challenging dream and woke up in fear. But as i lfted my heart up in prayer desperately seeking victory and peace, i heard him speak to my heart - The tares and the seeds have grown together, now is the HARVEST - the good will begin to bear fruit and the tares are burned down! Thank God for thr victory. Asegun ati Ajogun ni mi, nipa eje kristi ati ni isegun, oluwa jaa fun wa a ki yio subu, ko se ni to le bori agbara re!
Asegun ni mi, nipa ejew jesu
Baba ku, fun mi ni segun
ni pa eje jesu
Eni ta pa fe lese
sibe owa o n joba
Aa a ju asegun lo oo
Aa aju asegun lo oo

Day 3

Not much concentration today, cant guess why????

Scripture's from Acts 10, the conversion of cornelius. lesson is that God sees all we do and will reward us accordingly. Even if he has ot change his peoples'perspective to favour us like he did Simon Peters' idealogy about clean and unclean animals.

I know that every closed door will be opened and every stumbling blocks will be moved away. I am enjoying the new year already!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 2

2 Samuel 7:9-11
Verse 10 - I will provide an homeland for you (my people) planting them in a secured place and no more disturbance. Evil will no longer oppress us anymore!

I receive this promise as made to David by the Lord. David had intended to build a house for God, God turned around and pronounced his blessings on him from verses 10-17.
Isn't there a link in this? Yesterday the Lord talked about making a place habitable for him. Repairing and reopening -  and now as I have committed myself to making my life a santuary, He has declared his blessings.

Praise the Lord!

Day 1

2Chronicles 28:16-27 and chapters 29-32.
Note verse 3 of chapter 29 cos it kind of pop out to me while i opened the scriptures and i meditated on it. 1st month, 1st year, Hezekiah REOPENED and REPAIRED the TEMPLE OF THE LORD.

what needs to be re-opened and re-paired in the 1st month and days of the new year? the temple of the lord is? my life, heart, body, vision, career, marriage...

Draw closer to God, commitments, fresh vision, insights, dedication.
What good has gone bad and needs to be repaired? what chapters has been closed and needs ot be re-visited and re-opened.